August 10, 2024

Have I just gotten old?

When was it I started to care if the sox were the same color? Why do I want a simple to care for home? How is it the cardboard end table is no longer super awesome? Have I finally decided what I want I life? Or I've just become too tired? But probably I have started to become old, maybe wisdom will also soon befall me?

April 27, 2024

The Smell of Cookies

Normally when one thinks about the smell of cookies, you close your eyes for a moment and feel the mhmmmmm deep in your soul.

But not tonight.
Tonight the cookies filled the air with the aromatic scent of cooked kibble mixed with chicken.....

What wonderful smells said a baby covered in fur.

October 25, 2023

That most wonderful time of the year

I admit it. Im here for the eggnog. but it makes winter worth it. up tell January...... Then then... they pack up the tasty stuff and leave the snow. Who thought that was a good idea?

September 11, 2023

To fur or not to fur?

What a silly question. Always choose the fur babies, the boots with the fur, the furry coat, the fur keychain, the fur fluff hat.... unless you can get the super soft fuzzy blanket. Then only keep the fur babies and the blanket. Cause at that point what more do you actually need in life?

August 28, 2023

Moments of Misery

When one works or shops in retail we often find ourselves experiencing a moment of misery.

The pathway to said moment:

A moment of Truth is mishandled.

Experiencing slightly subpar to truly horrendous service.

The Emotion of Behavior

 At the root of all behavior lies an emotion. This emotion is itself generated by an interpretation or a perception of reality based on our experience or personal history. It is impossible to change behavior without taking account of the emotions and interpretations that give rise to it.

-- I have forgotten the original source, but liked the wisdom

That Personal Evaluation time of year

 Just putting this on everything from now on. 

"I have continued to be a superstar and this year is no different. 

Please refer to past evaluations for more info."

Have I just gotten old?

When was it I started to care if the sox were the same color? Why do I want a simple to care for home? How is it the cardboard end table is ...